Memory handling

Type allocation and deallocation

ndt_t *ndt_new(enum ndt tag, ndt_context_t *ctx);

Allocate a new type according to tag with the common fields initialized to the default values.

Most types need additional initialization, so this function is rarely used on its own.

ndt_t *ndt_tuple_new(enum ndt_variadic flag, int64_t shape, ndt_context_t *ctx);
ndt_t *ndt_record_new(enum ndt_variadic flag, int64_t shape, ndt_context_t *ctx);

Allocate a new tuple or record type. Because of their internal complexity these types have dedicated allocation functions.

As above, the functions are never used outside of wrapper functions.

void ndt_del(ndt_t *t);

Deallocate a type. t may be NULL. This function is meant to be used by applications directly.

Custom allocators

extern void *(* ndt_mallocfunc)(size_t size);
extern void *(* ndt_callocfunc)(size_t nmemb, size_t size);
extern void *(* ndt_reallocfunc)(void *ptr, size_t size);
extern void (* ndt_freefunc)(void *ptr);

libndtypes allows applications to set custom allocators at program start. By default these global variables are set to the usual libc allocators.


void *ndt_alloc(int64_t nmemb, int64_t size);

Allocate nmemb * size bytes, using the function set in the custom allocator.

Overflow in the multiplication is checked. Return NULL on overflow or if the allocation fails.

void *ndt_alloc_size(size_t size);

Allocate size bytes, using the function set in the custom allocator.

Return NULL on overflow or if the allocation fails.

void *ndt_calloc(int64_t nmemb, int64_t size);

Allocate nmemb * size zero-initialized bytes, using the function set in the custom allocator.

Return NULL if the allocation fails.

void *ndt_realloc(void *ptr, int64_t nmemb, int64_t size);

Reallocate ptr to use nmemb * size bytes.

Return NULL on overflow or if the allocation fails. As usual, ptr is still valid after failure.

void ndt_free(void *ptr);

Free a pointer allocated by one of the above functions. ptr may be NULL if the custom allocator allows this – the C Standard requires free to accept NULL.

Aligned allocation/deallocation

void *ndt_aligned_calloc(uint16_t alignment, int64_t size);

Allocate size bytes with a guaranteed alignment.

void ndt_aligned_free(void *ptr);

Free a pointer that was allocated by ndt_aligned_calloc. ptr may be NULL.